Selected publications
1. Signatures of a sampling quantum advantage in driven quantum many-body systems J. Tangpanitanon, S. Thanasilp, M.-A. Lemonde, N. Dangniam and D. G. Angelakis
Quantum Sci. Technol. 8 025019. (2023)
2. Qubit efficient algorithms for binary optimization problems B. Tan, M. A. Lemonde, S. Thanasilp, J. Tangpanitanon, D. G. Angelakis
Quantum 5, 454 (2021)
3. Expressibility and trainability of parameterized analog quantum systems for machine learning applications
J. Tangpanitanon, S. Thanasilp, M. A. Lemonde, N. Dangiam, D. G. Angelakis
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043364
4. Spectral signatures of many-body localization with interacting photons
P. Roushan, C. Neill, J. Tangpanitanon, V. M. Bastidas, A. Megrant, R. Barends, Y. Chen, Z. Chen, B. Chiaro, A. Dunsworth, A. Fowler, B. Foxen, M. Giustina, E. Jeffrey, J. Kelly, E. Lucero, J. Mutus, M. Neeley, C. Quintana, D. Sank, A. Vainsencher, J. Wenner, T. White, H. Neven, D.G. Angelakis, and J. Martinis. Science, 01 Dec 2017: Vol. 358, Issue 6367, (2017)
5. Topological pumping with photons in nonlinear resonator arrays
J. Tangpatinanon, V. M. Bastidas, P. Roushan, S. Assam, D. Jaksch, D. G. Angelakis
Physical Review Letters, 117, 213603 (2016) [PDF]
6. Quantum Simulations and Many-Body Physics with Light
C. Noh, D.G. Angelakis
Reports in Progress in Physics 80, 016401 (2016) [PDF]
7. Experimental simulation of charge conservation violation and Majorana dynamics
R. Keil, C. Noh, A. Rai, S. Stutzer, S. Nolte, D. G. Angelakis, A. Szameit
Optica 2,454 (2015) [PDF]
8. Mimicking interacting relativistic theories with light
D. G. Angelakis, M. Huo, D. Chang, LC Kwek, V. Korepin
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 100502 (2013) [PDF]
9. Luttinger liquid photons and spin-charge separation in hollow-core fibers
D. G. Angelakis, M. Huo, E. Kyoseva, LC Kwek
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 153601 (2011) [PDF]
Highlighted as an “Editors Suggestion”, as a Viewpoint article in Physics
and also as Research Highlight in Nature: Nature, 472, 262 (2011)
10. Quantum simulation of neutrino oscillations with trapped ions
Changsuk Noh, Blas M. Rodríguez-Lara, Dimitris G. Angelakis
New J. Phys 14 033028 (2012) [PDF]
Selected for New Journal of Physics Highlights 2012, Highlighted at
11. Fractional Quantum Hall state in coupled cavities
Jaeyoon Cho, Dimitris G. Angelakis, Sougato Bose
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 246809 (2008) [PDF]
Selected for Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology — December 22, 2008.
12. Photon blockade induced Mott transitions and XY spin models in coupled cavity arrays
Dimitris G. Angelakis, Marcelo F. Santos, Sougato Bose
Phys. Rev. A (Rap. Com.) vol. 76, 031805 (2007) [PDF]
Highlighted in the cover of New Scientist Jan. 2007
1. Resource-Efficient Hybrid Quantum-Classical Simulation Algorithm
Chong Hian Chee, Daniel Leykam, Adrian M. Mak, Kishor Bharti, Dimitris G. Angelakis
2. Nonlinear Quantum Dynamics in Superconducting NISQ Processors
Muhammad Umer, Eleftherios Mastorakis, Sofia Evangelou, Dimitris G. Angelakis
3. Exponential Qubit Reduction in Optimization for Financial Transaction Settlement
Elias X. Huber, Benjamin Tan, Paul R. Griffin, Dimitris G. Angelakis
4. Efficiently Extracting Multi-Point Correlations of a Floquet Thermalized System
Yong-Guang Zheng, Wei-Yong Zhang, Ying-Chao Shen, An Luo, Ying Liu, Ming-Gen He, Hao-Ran Zhang, Wan Lin, Han-Yi Wang, Zi-Hang Zhu, Ming-Cheng Chen, Chao-Yang Lu, Supanut Thanasilp, Dimitris G. Angelakis, Zhen-Sheng Yuan, Jian-Wei Pan
5. Quantum supremacy with analog quantum processors for material science and machine learning
J. Tangpanitanon, S. Thanasilp, M. A. Lemonde, D. G. Angelakis
6. Realizing topological relativistic dynamics with slow light polaritons at room temperature
M. Namazi, B. Jordaan, C. Noh, D. G. Angelakis, E. Figueroa
81. Unsupervised learning of quantum many-body scars using intrinsic dimension
Harvey Cao, Dimitris G Angelakis, Daniel Leykam
Mach. Learn.: Sci. Technol., 5,025049 (2024)
80. Qubit efficient quantum algorithms for the vehicle routing problem on quantum computers of the NISQ era
Ioannis D. Leonidas, Alexander Dukakis, Benjamin Tan, Dimitris G. Angelakis
Adv. Quantum Technol. 20, 2300309 (2024)
79. Computing Electronic Correlation Energies using Linear Depth Quantum Circuits
Chong Hian Chee, Adrian M. Mak, Daniel Leykam, Dimitris G. Angelakis
Quantum Sci. Technol. 9 025003
78. Landscape approximation of low energy solutions to binary optimization problems
Benjamin Tan, Beng Yee Gan, Daniel Leykam, Dimitris G. Angelakis
Phys. Rev. A 109, 012433
77. Shallow quantum circuits for efficient preparation of Slater determinants and correlated states on a quantum computer
Chong Hian Chee, Daniel Leykam, Adrian M. Mak, and Dimitris G. Angelakis
Phys. Rev. A 108, 022416
76. Topological data analysis and machine learning
Daniel Leykam, Dimitris G. Angelakis
Advances in Physics: X, 8(1), 2202331
75. Unravelling quantum chaos using persistent homology
Harvey Cao, Daniel Leykam, Dimitris G. Angelakis
Phys. Rev. E 107, 044204
74. Signatures of a sampling quantum advantage in driven quantum many-body systems
J. Tangpanitanon, S. Thanasilp, M. A. Lemonde, N. Dangiam, D. G. Angelakis
Quantum Sci. Technol. 8 025019.
73.Boosting Topological Zero Modes Using Elastomer Waveguide Arrays
Angelina Frank, Daniel Leykam, Daria A Smirnova, Dimitris G Angelakis, Alexander Ling
Optics Letters, 47(18), 4620-4623.
72. Persistent homology analysis of a generalized Aubry-Andre-Harper model
Yu He, Shiqi Xia, Dimitris G Angelakis, Daohong Song, Zhigang Chen, Daniel Leykam
Phys. Rev. B 106, 054210
71. Dark soliton detection using persistent homology
Daniel Leykam, Irving Rondon, Dimitris G Angelakis
Chaos 32, 073133 (2022)
70. Fock State-enhanced Expressivity of Quantum Machine Learning Models
Beng Yee Gan, Daniel Leykam, Dimitris G. Angelakis
EPJ Quantum Technology 9 (1), 16
69. Explainable Natural Language Processing with Matrix Product States
Jirawat Tangpanitanon, Chanatip Mangkang, Pradeep Bhadola, Yuichiro Minato, Dimitris Angelakis, Thiparat Chotibut
New Journal of Physics 24 (5), 053032
68. Nonlinear signatures of Floquet band topology
Aleksandra Maluckov, Ekaterina Smolina, Daniel Leykam, Sinan Gundogdu, Dimitris G. Angelakis, Daria A. Smirnova
Physical Review B 105 (11), 115133
67. Nonlinear compact localized modes in flux-dressed octagonal-diamond lattice
M.G. Stojanovic, S. Gundogdu, D. Leykam, D. G. Angelakis, M. Stojanovic-Krasic, M. Stepic, A. Maluckov
Physica Scripta 97 030006.
66. Quantum transient heat transport in the hyper-parametric oscillator
J. Han, D. Leykam, D. G. Angelakis, J. Thingna
Physical Review A 104 (5), 052220 (2021)
65. Gradient catastrophe of nonlinear photonic valley-Hall edge pulses
D. A. Smirnova, L. A. Smirnov, E. O. Smolina, D. G. Angelakis, D. Leykam
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 043027 (2021)
64. Qubit efficient algorithms for binary optimization problems
B. Tan, M. A. Lemonde, S. Thanasilp, J. Tangpanitanon, D. G. Angelakis
Quantum 5, 454 (2021)
63. Quantum supremacy and quantum phase transitions
J. Tangpanitanon, S. Thanasilp, M. A. Lemonde, N. Dangiam, D. G. Angelakis
Phys. Rev. B 103, 165132 (2021)
62. Nonlinear Bloch wave dynamics in photonic Aharonov–Bohm cages
N. Chang, S. Gundogdu, D. Leykam, D. G. Angelakis, S. Kou, S. Flach, A. Maluckov
APL Photonics 6, 030801 (2021)
61. Photonic band structure design using persistent homology
D. Leykam, D. G. Angelakis
APL Photonics 6, 030802 (2021)
60. Expressibility and trainability of parameterized analog quantum systems for machine learning applications
J. Tangpanitanon, S. Thanasilp, M. A. Lemonde, N. Dangiam, D. G. Angelakis
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043364
59. Many-Body Physics and Quantum Simulations with Strongly Interacting Photons
J. Tangpanitanon, D. Angelakis
Proceedings of the International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, Course 204 “Nanoscale Quantum Optics”
58. The Dirac equation in 2+1 dimensional gravity with classical electromagnetic background, the gravitational Aharonov-Bohm effect and coupled waveguide arrays
C. Koke, C. Noh, D. G. Angelakis
57. Quantum state transfer via acoustic edge states in a 2D optomechanical array
J. Marc-Antoine Lemonde, Vittorio Peano, Peter Rabl, Dimitris G. Angelakis
New J. Phys. 21 (11), 113030 [PDF]
56. Nanoscale quantum optics
I.D’ Amico, D.G. Angelakis, F. Bussieres, H. Caglayan, C. Couteau, T. Durt, B. Kolaric, P. Maletinsky, W. Pfeiffer, P. Rabl, A. Xuereb, M. Agio
Riv. Nuovo Cimento 42, 153 (2019) [arXiv]
55. Hidden Order in Quantum Many-body Dynamics of Driven-Dissipative Nonlinear Photonic Lattices
J. Tangpanitanon, S. R. Clark, V. M. Bastidas, R. Fazio, D. Jaksch, D. G. Angelakis
Phys. Rev. A. 99, 033618 (2019) [PDF]
54. Discrete time crystal in globally driven interacting quantum systems without disorder
W. C. Yu, J. Tangpanitanon, A. W. Glaetzle, D. Jaksch, D. G. Angelakis
Phys. Rev. A. 99, 033618 (2019) [PDF]
53. Strongly correlated photon transport in nonlinear photonic lattice with disorder: Probing signatures of the localization transition
T. F. See, V. M. Bastidas, J. Tangpanitanon, D. G. Angelakis
Phys. Rev. A. 99, 033835 (2019) [PDF]
52. Detection of topological phases by quasilocal operators
W. C. Yu, P.D. Sacramento, Y. Chao, D. G. Angelakis, Hai-Qing Lin
Phys. Rev. B 99, 115113 (2019) [PDF]
51). Floquet stroboscopic divisibility: coherence preservation in non-Markovian dynamics
V. M. Bastidas, T.H. Kyaw, J. Tangpanitanon, G. Romero, L.C. Kwek, D.G. Angelakis
New J. Phys. 20 093004 (2018) [PDF]
P. Roushan, C. Neill, J. Tangpanitanon, V. M. Bastidas, A. Megrant, R. Barends, Y. Chen, Z. Chen, B. Chiaro, A. Dunsworth, A. Fowler, B. Foxen, M. Giustina, E. Jeffrey, J. Kelly, E. Lucero, J. Mutus, M. Neeley, C. Quintana, D. Sank, A. Vainsencher, J. Wenner, T. White, H. Neven, D.G. Angelakis, and J. Martinis
Science, 01 Dec 2017: Vol. 358, Issue 6367, 2017 [arxiv]
TF See, C Noh, D.G. Angelakis,
Phys. Rev. A 95, 053845 (2017) [PDF]
48) Tunable Polarons in Bose Einstein Condensates
E. Compagno, G. De Chiara, D. G. Angelakis, and G. M. Palma,
Scientific Reports 7, 2355 (2017) [PDF]
47) Topological pumping with photons in nonlinear resonator arrays
J. Tangpatinanon, V. M. Bastidas, P. Roushan, S. Assam, D. Jaksch, D. G. Angelakis
Physical Review Letters, 117, 213603 (2016) [PDF]
46) Quantum Simulations and Many-Body Physics with Light
C. Noh, D.G. Angelakis
Reports in Progress in Physics 80, 016401 (2016) [PDF]
45) Driven open quantum systems and Floquet stroboscopic dynamics
Sebastian Restrepo, Javier Cerrillo,, V. M. Bastidas, D. G. Angelakis, T. Brandes
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 250401 (2016) [PDF]
44) Semiclassical bifurcations and topological phase transitions in a one-dimensional lattice of coupled Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick models
V. Sorokin, M. Aparicio Alcalde, V. M. Bastidas, G. Engelhardt, D. G. Angelakis, T. Brandes
Phys Rev. E. 94, 0321123 (2016) [PDF]
43) Dirac equation in 2-dimensional curved spacetime, particle creation, and coupled waveguide arrays
C. Koke, C. Noh, D. G. Angelakis,
Annnals of Physics 374, 162 (2016) [PDF]
42) Beyond mean-field bistability in driven-dissipative lattices: Bunching-antibunching transition and quantum simulation
J. J. Mendoza-Arenas, S. R. Clark, S. Felicetti, G. Romero, E. Solano, D. G. Angelakis, and D. Jaksch
Phys. Rev. A 93, 023821 (2016) [PDF]
41) Few photon transport in nonlinear cavity arrays:Probing signatures of strongly correlated states
C. Lee, C. Noh, N. Schetakis, D. G. Angelakis
Phys. Rev. A 92, 063817 (2015) [PDF]
40) Quantum plasmonic excitation in graphene and robust-to-loss propagation
G. W. Hanson, S. A. H. Gangaraj, C. Lee, D. G. Angelakis, M. Tame
Phys. Rev. 92, 013828 (2015) [PDF]
39) Experimental simulation of charge conservation violation and Majorana dynamics
R. Keil, C. Noh, A. Rai, S. Stutzer, S. Nolte, D. G. Angelakis, A. Szameit
Optica 2,454 (2015) [PDF]
38) Photonic lattice simulation of dissipation-induced correlations in bosonic systems
Changyoup Lee, Amit Rai, Changsuk Noh, D. G.Angelakis
Nature Scientific Report 5,8438 (2015) [PDF]
37) Detecting the degree of macroscopic quantumness using an overlap measurement
Hyunseok Jeong, Changsuk Noh, Seunglee Bae, D. G. Angelakis, Timothy C. Ralph
Jour. of Opt. Soc. Of America B, Vol. 31, Issue 12, pp. 3057-3066 (2014) [PDF]
36) Quantum simulation of superexchange magnetism in linear ion crystals
Peter A. Ivanov, Naoum I. Karchev, Nikolay V. Vitanov, D. G. Angelakis
Phys. Rev. A 90, 012325 (2014) [PDF]
35) Probing the effects of interaction in Anderson localization using linear photonic lattices
Changyoup Lee, Amit Rai, Changsuk Noh, D. G. Angelakis
Physical Review A 89, 023823 (2014) [PDF]
34) Realizing the driven non-linear Schrodinger equation with stationary light
Priyam Das, Changsuk Noh, D. G. Angelakis
Europhysics Lett. 103 34001 (2013) [PDF]
33) Probing the topological propertied of Jackiw-Rebbi model with light
D. G. Angelakis, C. Noh
Nature Scientific Reports 4, 6110 (2014) [PDF]
32) Frozen photons in coupled cavity arrays
N. Schetakis, Tom Gruzic, Stephen R. Clark, Dieter Jacksh D. G. Angelakis
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46 (2013) 224025 [PDF]
31) Multi-setting Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger theorem
J. Ryu, C. Lee, Y. Zhi, R. Rahaman, D. G. Angelakis, J. Lee, M. Żukowski
Phys. Rev. A 89, 024103 (2014) [PDF]
30) Robust-to-loss entanglement generation using a quantum plasmonic nanoparticle array
Changhyoup Lee, Mark Tame, Changsuk Noh, James Lim, Stefan A. Maier, Jinhyoung Lee, D. G. Angelakis.
New J. Phys. 15 083017 (2013) [PDF]
29) Towards topological effects with coupled QED cavity arrays
D. G. Angelakis, C. Noh
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 28, 1441003 (2014) [PDF]
28) Repulsively induced photon super-bunching in driven resonator arrays
Tom Gruzic, Stephen R. Clark, Dieter Jacksh D. G. Angelakis
Phys. Rev. A. 87 053846 (2013) [PDF]
27) The Majoranon and how to realize it in a table-top experiment
Changsuk Noh, Blas M. Rodriguez D. G. Angelakis
Phys. Rev. A (R) 87 0401102 [PDF]
26) Mimicking interacting relativistic theories with stationary light
D. G. Angelakis, Mingxia Huo, Darrick Chang, Leong C Kwek, Vladimir Korepin
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 100502 (2013) [PDF]
25) Non-equilibrium many-body effects in driven nonlinear resonator arrays
Tom Gruzic, Stephen R. Clark. D. G. Angelakis, Dieter Jacksh
New Journal of Physics, 14 103025 (2012) [PDF]
24) Spinons and hollons with polarized photons in a nonlinear waveguide
Mingxia Huo, D. G. Angelakis, Leong C Kwek
New J. Phys. 14 075027 (2012) [PDF]
23) Dynamics of quantum light in integrated nonlinear waveguide arrays and generation of robust continuous variable entanglement
Amit Rai, D. G.Angelakis
Phys. Rev. A 85, 052330 [PDF]
22) Quantum simulation of neutrino oscillations with trapped ions
Changsuk Noh, Blas M. Rodríguez-Lara, D. G. Angelakis
New J. Phys 14 033028 (2012) [PDF]
21) Quantum simulation of Cooper pairing with photons
Mingxia Huo, Changsuk Noh, B. M. Rodríguez-Lara, D. G. Angelakis
Phys. Rev. A 86, 043840 (2012) [PDF]
20) Fluctuations assisted stationary entanglement in driven quantum systems
D. G. Angelakis, Stefano. Mancini
Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 27, 1345037 (2012) [PDF]
19) sine Gordon and Bose-Hubbard dyanmics with photons in a nonlinear fiber
M. Huo, D.G. Angelakis
Phys. Rev. A 85, 023821 (2012) [PDF]
18) A photonic Luttinger liquid and spin-charge separation in a quantum optical system
D. G. Angelakis, M. Huo, E. Kyoseva, LC Kwek
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 153601 (2011) [PDF]
17) A single-interaction step implementation of a quantum search in coupled micro-cavities
Elica Kyoseva, D. G. Angelakis, LC Kwek,
Eur. Phys. Lett. 89, 20005 (2010) [PDF]
16) Coherent control of steady state entanglement in driven cavity arrays
D. G. Angelakis, Dai Li, LC Kwek
Eur. Phys. Lett. 91, 10003 (2010) [PDF]
15) Steady state entanglement between distant hybrid light-matter qubits under classical driving
D. G.Angelakis, Stefano Mancini, Sougato Bose
Eur. Phys. Lett. 85, 20007 (2009) [PDF]
14) Fractional Quantum Hall state in coupled cavities
Jaeyoon Cho, D. G. Angelakis, Sougato Bose
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 246809 (2008) [PDF]
13) Simulation of high-spin Heisenberg chains in coupled cavities
Jaeyoon Cho, D. G. Angelakis, Sougato Bose
Phys. Rev. A 062338 (2008) [PDF]
12) Reproducing spin lattice models in strongly coupled atom-cavity systems
Alastair Kay and D. G. Angelakis
Eur. Phys. Lett. 84 20001 (2008) [PDF]
11) Heralded generation of two-photon polarization entanglement with coupled cavities
Jaeyoon Cho, D. G. Angelakis, Sougato Bose
Phys. Rev. A, vol. 78, 022323 (2008) [PDF]
10) Weaving light-matter qubits into a one way quantum computer
D. G. Angelakis, Alastair Kay
New J. Phys. Vol. 10, 023012 (2008) [PDF]
9) Photon blockade induced Mott transitions and XY spin models in coupled cavity arrays
D. G. Angelakis, Marcelo F. Santos, Sougato Bose
Phys. Rev. A (Rap. Com.) vol. 76, 031805 (2007) [PDF]
8) A proposal for the implementation of quantum gates with photonic-crystal coupled cavity waveguides
D. G. Angelakis, M. Santos, V. Yanopappas, A.K. Ekert
Phys. Lett. A. Vol.362, 377 (2007) [PDF]
7) Transfer of a Polaritonic Qubit through a Coupled Cavity Array
Sougato Bose, Dimitris G. Angelakis, Daniel Burgarth.
Journ. Of Mod. Opt. vol. 54, 2307 (2007) [PDF]
6) Generation and verification of high-dimensional entanglement from coupled-cavity arrays
D. G. Angelakis, Sougato Bose
Jour. of Opt. Soc. Amer. B. 24, 266 (2007) [PDF]
before 2007
5) Photonic Crystals and Inhibition of Spontaneous Emission: An Introduction
D.G. Angelakis, E. Paspalakis and P.L. Knight
Contemporary Physics Vol. 45, 303 (2004). [PDF]
4) Coherent phenomena in photonic crystals
D. G. Angelakis, E. Paspalakis and P.L. Knight
Phys. Rev. A 64, 013801 (2001) [PDF]
3) Transient properties of modified reservoir-induced transparency
D. G. Angelakis, E. Paspalakis and P.L. Knight
Phys. Rev. A 61, 55802 (2000) [PDF]
2) Verifying Atom Entanglement Schemes by Testing Bell’s Inequality
D. G. Angelakis, A. Beige, P. L. Knight, W. J. Munro, B. Tregenna.
Z. Naturforsch. 56 a, 27 (2001) [PDF]
1) Testing Bell Inequalities in Photonic Crystals
D. G. Angelakis and P.L. Knight
Eur. Phys. Journal D. 18 (2): 247-250 (2002) [PDF]
0) The influence of the density of states on dark lines in spontaneous emission
E. Paspalakis, D. G. Angelakis and P.L. Knight
Opt. Com 172, Issues 1-6, 15 229-240 (1999) [PDF]
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