Dimitris Angelakis is a Principal Investigator at Centre for Quantum Technologies, Singapore and tenured Professor at School of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete. He is leading the Quantum Simulators and Quantum Technologies Group.
Experienced research professor in quantum physics, PhD from Imperial College with several years of research experience and leading research groups in Cambridge University, Greece and Singapore. He is known for his works in quantum simulation.
He has received several awards including the 2018 Google Quantum Innovation Award, the Valerie Myerscough Award from University of London 2000, as well as the Institute of Physics Quantum Electronics Thesis Prize 2002. His work has appeared in Science, Nature, New Scientist, Nature Research Highlights, The Innovation Magazine, Physics World, CNN and SKY among others.
He regularly delivers talks about quantum computing to non-specialist audiences and consults industry, banking and IT sectors about the upcoming revolution in quantum computing and possible commercial applications.
He enjoys discussing science at all levels, interested in world history, and likes sampling good wine. He also tries to learn play the Cretan Lyra. He is married with three children. See below for his brief CV and click here for a full CV.
Contact: dimitris.angelakis@gmail.com
- Google Quantum Innovation Award 2018
- The Valerie Myescrouph Award from University of London as well as the Institute of Physics Quantum Electronics Thesis Prize
- Greek Ministry of Defence Award “Distinguished Greek Scientist Award 2004”
- Institute of Physics, Quantum Electronics and Photonics Thesis Prize 2002: First prize for theses examined in 2001-2002 in the UK.
- St Catharine’s College Cambridge, Stipendiary Research Fellowship in Physics 2001 (selected among 200 candidates).
- Valerie Myescrough PhD Prize 2000: Awarded from the University of London to PhD students who show outstanding ability and potential for original work in Astronomy, Maths or Physics.
- Greek State Graduate Scholarship for PhD studies abroad. 1998-2001: Position 1st at the corresponding national exams at the field “Lasers and Applications”.
- Consequetive Greek State Scholarship for Undergraduate students1993-1998 for achieving 1st at the National Entrance Exams for Physics in 1993 and being in the top 3 students in the years 1993-94, 1994-95, and 1995-96
- September, 1998 –October 2001: PhD, Theoretical Quantum Optics, Imperial College;
- September, 1997 – August, 1998: M.Sc., Theoretical Physics with specialization in Atomic and Molecular Physics, University of Crete
- September, 1993 -September, 1997: B.Sc. Physics, University of Crete
Academic posts
- Jan 2009-present: Principal Investigator and Research Associate Professor, Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore.
- December 2007 – present: Lecturer, Assistant Professor and tenured Associate Professor (since 2016), Electrical and Computer Engineering School, Technical University of Crete (part time since 2012)
- October 2001 – November 2007: Research Associate to 2004 and Senior Research Associate 2004-07, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge
- October 2002-November 2007: Research associate of the Centre for Quantum Computation, University of Cambridge
Visiting professor positions
- 5/10/2015-18/12/2015, Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics (KITP), University of California in Santa Barbara, Invited professor and “key participant” in “Many-body physics with light” program.
- December 2017, Physics and Astronomy Department, Macquarie University, Sydney
Research output
Angelakis is known as one of the pioneers in a novel area merging quantum optics, condensed matter and quantum information science now known as “Quantum Simulations and Many-Body Physics with Light”
He has published more 65 papers, with a total of more than 3100 citations and , Η=28, including papers in Science and several in Physical Review Letters. His works have attracted the interest of experimentalists and high-tech companies. Among his current collaborations are with Quantum Lab of Google for quantum simulations with interacting photons in their superconducting qubits chips.has written an invited review article for IOP Reports in Progress in Physics, and also edited two volumes for Springer in the area of Quantum Computing and Quantum Simulations (2017), and two focus issues in the area of Quantum Simulations in New Journal of Physics and EPJ: Quantum Technologies
International visibility
He has also been invited to deliver more 60 talks in international meetings including the annual American Physical Society meeting, the KITP workshops in theoretical physics, and the ICTP workshops and the Fermi Schools of Physics in Lake Como. He has also delivered more than 80 invited seminars in universities and research institutions worldwide.
His work has been highlighted in numerous science news articles and in TV interviews in Singapore (the Straits Times), Greece (SKY Greece, Crete TV in Greek) and worldwide including Eurekalert, Sciencedaily, tuc.gr (Greek), asian scientist, and New Scientist, Nature Research Highlights, The Innovation Magazine, Physics World and BIMA Science among others. He has organised several international conferences as chairman or member of the organizing and program committee.
Funding and service
For his research activities, he has raised the equivalent of more than 5 million Euros in UK, Greece and Singapore. He has served as evaluator of research proposals for the ERC Starting and Consolidator Grant scheme, European Young Investigator Award Scheme, the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, the Polish Research Council and the Swiss Research Council among others. He has also served in various faculty committees in St Catharine’s College,-University of Cambridge, the Technical University of Crete and the Centre for Quantum Technologies Singapore.
He is serving at National Quantum Network for the preparation of the European Flagship in Quantum Technologies representing Greece. He also is serving as a Coordinator in the Quantum Computing Pillar of the Singapore Quantum Engineering Program Phase 2, where he is in charge of QEP Quantum Hardware Partnerships with Cloud providers such as IBM, AWS, Google and others and is also a member of the National Council for Research Technology and Innovation of Greece since 2020.
He is also in the Core group and the Management Committee of the of the EU COST Action “Nanoscale Quantum Optics” . He has refereed for most physics journals including PRL, Nature, Science and currently serves in the editorial board of Springer EPJ Quantum Technology and Advanced Quantum Technology. In the former he has also been the lead guest editor of a special issue on “Quantum Simulations” published in 2014. He has also edited a focus issue of New Journal of Physics in Many body physics with Photons and Polaritons“
He has successfully supervised a number of MSc students, several postdoctoral scholars, two PhD students and currently advising three more PhDs and two postdocs.