Past members of the group
Dr Benjamin Tan, PhD student 2019-2023. Now at Horizon Quantum Computing
Elias Huber, Research Assistant. Now MSc at Peking University, China
Dr Supanut Thanasilp, PhD student 2018-2022. Now postdoc at EPFL, Switzerland
Marc-Antoine Lemonde, Postdoc. Now, Researcher at Nord Quantique, Canada.
Michalis Kalogerakis, visiting PhD student. Now teaching at secondary education Greece
Christian Koke, research assistant. Now MSc in LMU, Germany
Dr. Jirawat Tangpanitanon, PhD student 2015-2019 and Postdoc 2019-2020. Now CEO and co-founder of Quantum Technology Foundation Thailand (QTFT)
Dr. Tiang Feng, PhD student 2015-2019. Now at Semiconductors Industry
Zeijian Li, Honours and MSc student, 2018-2019, Now PhD student at University of Paris
Kurniawan, Honors student 2018-2019 NUS, Singapore
Dr Wing Chi Yu, RF 2017-2018, now at CUHK, Hong Kong
Dr Victor Bastidas, RF 2016-17, now at NTT, Japan
Dr Changsuk Noh, RF 2010-15, now Assistant Professor, KIAS, Korea
Dr Ping Na Ma RF 2014-15, now CEO and founder of “Yotcopi Technologies”, Banking Sector)
Dr Changyoup Lee, RF 2012-2015, now postdoc, Germany.
Dr Priyam Das RF 2011-2014, now postdoc Turkey.
Dr Amit Rai, RF 2011-2015, now Lecturer in India.
Dr. MingXia Huo, PhD student in CQT since July 2009-2014, co-supervised by Prof. Kwek. Now postdoc at Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford
Dr Blas Manuel Rodriguez-Lara , RF 2009-2011, now faculty in Mexico.
Collaborations (current and recent)
Prof Mikael Rechstman group (Pittsburgh, USA)
Prof Sergey Flach, IBS, Korea
Prof. Alex Szameit (Rostock, Germany)
Prof. J. Martinis and Dr Roushan (Google/UCSB)
Dr. Robert Keil (Inssbruck, Austria)
Prof Rozario Fazio (Piza, Italy)
Prof. Dieter Jacksh group (Oxford, UK)
Prof Tobias Brandes group (Berlin, Germany)
Prof. Eden Figueroa group (SUNY, USA)
Dr Stephen Clark (University of Bath)