Join/Contact Us

For all cases, please contact the group leader at

Jobs and scholarships:

  • Internships, RA and RF positions in the interface of quantum algorithms and machine learning. Click here for more details.
  • Undergraduates of NUS and TUC: We offer Honors, Diploma and UROPS projects, and we have also offered occasionally SPS projects. The door is open for a chat! Write to the group leader
  • Undergraduates of other universities: Usually we do not offer paid summer internships unless in exceptional cases. If you have your own financial support or scholarship to try nevertheless, and you are within the top students in your class, please send your CV.
  • Ph.D. candidates: We have PhD openings in Quantum Physics, QML and Quantum Simulation, click here for details. For logistic details, salary, etc refer to the CQT PhD programme but don’t start by applying there, write to the group leader first.
  • Postdocs: We constantly look for motivated junior or experienced postdocs with a strong background in quantum information or quantum optics, or condensed matter physics. Areas of interests in the group include quantum simulation and computation, quantum many-body dynamics, driven quantum systems, topological physics, quantum machine learning. Platform wise we work with superconducting qubits, ions, integrated photonic chips and cold atoms.

Industry and Press: Please see Industry and Outreach.